We make every effort to ensure that information on this website is up to date and accurate at all times.
However we cannot give an absolute guarantee that every page will be accurate at all times. The Council and employees will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on that information, or as a result of any changes to the information or accessibility of external websites.
We may provide links to external sites to enable users to access information provided by other organisations. However, we are not responsible for the content of externally linked web sites and no guarantee or recommendation is ever implied. The Council takes reasonable measures to ensure that information provided to it by third parties is not defamatory or offensive but cannot control the content or be held responsible for pages maintained by external providers.
If you wish to link to information provided on this website please go ahead – you do not need permission to do so. However please note that pages may change, move or be deleted at any time.
If you do find any information on this website that you believe is out of date or inaccurate, or if you are concerned that any information on external websites is defamatory or offensive, please email venuehire@chelmsford.gov.uk.